In recent days there has been a lot of talk about the possible purchase of TikTok by Microsoft products. The President Trump opposed the thing, because of the possible privacy violation from the Chinese app. Despite this, the company's CEO and the President of the United States of America will continue to discuss the matter. As written on the official Microsoft blog, if the purchase is successful, not only would there be a huge advantage as regards the coffers of the Stars and Stripes state, but also a control and any changes regarding privacy, in order to reassure all Americans, including Trump.
Microsoft wants to speak with the parent company as soon as possible TikTok, ByteDance. This is because they want to ensure that the Redmond company obtains possession of the social network in the Canadian, American, Australian and New Zealand markets. Also, to secure operations, the former company of Bill Gates will make sure that all the private data of the Americans who will use the app remain within the country, and if these are located in foreign servers, he will have to have them transferred to the USA and have them deleted from the starting server. Obviously Microsoft is keen to point out that nothing is yet certain and these preliminary stages they are not synonymous with purchase. Also, appreciate the concern of the President Donald Trump and his personal involvement in the matter for the protection of Americans and their data.
TikTok is currently theapp that dominates the charts around the world, and if at the beginning it was possible to find only very young boys and girls, now even some of the most important personalities of cinema, music and politics are enrolled in the Chinese platform. So, if Microsoft's purchase is successful, it would be a big blow by the Americans against the Chinese, who will certainly continue to have some income, but it does not seem that it will be of a comparable value.