According to a recent report, it seems that Chinese hackers have managed to breach and circumvent the limiter set by NVIDIA for its graphics card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060. As confirmed by the Japanese site PC Watch, just after the false rumors circulated on the net during last week confirmations would have been collected on the existence of a mechanism that would allow the GPU in question to express itself to the maximum even with algorithms Daggerhashimoto or similar Ethash like Ethereum.
As it turns out, the cryptocurrency mining bypass in this case delivers well 50 MH per second. According to the PC Watch website, no driver changes are required or BIOS of the board and the process is actually very simple, so at least for now we are not talking about a hack or a mod. Maybe it is one modification in the mining software, however, the source did not provide further information on this - they probably avoided going into too much detail for good reason. But knowing the tech industry and the speed with which things circulate on the internet, the whole procedure could end up on various crypto forums and blogs as early as the next few days.
To give users more confirmation, an image of the mining of the Ethereum cryptocurrency was also published using the Daggerhashimoto (T-REX) algorithm and offering a total, as mentioned above, of around 50 MH / s. One was used single GPU which had a average power consumption of 110 watts with fans set to 70% and temperatures averaging around 33%. The ETH Cryptomining algorithm has been left running for 8 minutes, with previous rumors seeing him in action for only 5 minutes. Graphics cards like the unreleased NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 should also have a limit, but if modders can bypass the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060, it's sad to say that the limit will likely be bypassed on the long-awaited RTX 3080 Ti as well. In this regard, did you know that recently a rumor would have anticipated the possible release date of the latter graphics cards?
NVIDIA は GeForce RTX 3060 に 対 し マ イ ニ ン グ 時 の 性能 制 限 を 課 し て い る の だ が 、 す で に 一部 の マ イ ナ ー の あ い だ で こ 回避 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中
ド ラ イ バ や BIOS の 改造 が 不要 で あ り 、 誰 で も ひ と 手 間 か け れ ば 簡 単 に 行 な え る も の で あ る 。https: //t.co/kC5yG4tmI6
- 自 作 と ゲ ー ム と 趣味 の 日 々 (@jisakuhibi) March 15, 2021