The smartphone market has seen over the years the turnover of a very large number of companies, both small and large. Among the latter, he has always had a role of the highest level LG, a Korean giant that also characterized the period of mass diffusion of Android with its historian Optimus One and with other innovative devices that have established the company as one of the most creative realities on the market. Unfortunately, however, after dozens and dozens of devices launched on the market, LG has decided to definitively abandon the smartphone sector to focus on other businesses.
This decision, made official over the last few hours but rumored for some time, was mainly determined by huge losses that have characterized the last years of the mobile division. Despite the technical level of devices such as the V40 and the original Wing, the company has failed to keep pace with major competitors such as Samsung, Xiaomi e Huawei. According to the press release issued by the company, the closure of the mobile branch will take place within the next month of July while, as far as employment policies are concerned, they will be decided on the basis of the different local contexts of the world.
Owners of LG smartphones released in recent times and those currently on the market will continue to receive updates and support for a period that will vary according to the various regions. The closure of LG's mobile division marks the end of an era and, in part, of a company that has wanted over the years to try to bring something new to the smartphone market (as with the G5 and the Optimus 3D ) but without having the courage to persevere in one's own ideas.
Hoping that the company will keep its word and not abandon its latest devices overnight, we just have to wait for the next few months to find out if, indeed, LG smartphones will continue to receive the support that Dell customers. company deserve despite the policies already decided by the Korean giant.