In these hours a very interesting gem has been confirmed on Assassin's Creed Valhalla: The double grip options will allow the player to double almost any weapon: it will in fact be possible to wield even two shields, if desired. The creative director Ashraf Ismail mentioned the dual-grip system of Ubisoft's work in a video dedicated to developer comments. In particular, Ismail talked about the possibility of choosing to use two shields at the same time, which could hypothetically allow us to dive into the heart of the battle, devastating anyone who gets in our way. Below, his words:
Throwing Ax is a skill that will be present in the game. This will be very welcome news for God of War fans, who have likely developed some appreciation for Kratos' iconic Leviathan Ax. The double handle is a very important part of the game: in essence it will be possible to combine any weapon in our possession, even two shields.
In addition to this, Ismail pointed out that i fights will be particularly brutal. In his opinion, a Viking-themed game needs combat that is quite convincing as it is brutal at the same time. We strongly recommend that our readers also check out the other details revealed recently about the new Assassin's Creed Valhalla, which was particularly discussed after the release of its first official trailer, which you can find here.