Outriders is available just now three days, yet the problems for the ambitious project of the boys of People Can Fly, do not hint at ending, especially as regards the infrastructure online courses to the server. A critical issue, which is creating more of a headache for developers than in the days of yesterday and today they have been busy solving difficulties and alleviating the situation. However, it didn't take long to anger Outriders' users, and the title has already been a victim of review bombing on Metacritic.
Let's assume that Outriders is a complex game, halfway between a GDR (role play), a GST (third person shooter) and a GAAS (game as a service), with some components that recall titles like Destiny e The Division. The game as service structure certainly has advantages in terms of longevity, but at the same time it also has some numerous intrinsic problems, such as precisely the'obligation of a working internet connection and optimal server-side stability, even to be able to play in single player.
Too bad that just the stability of the product servers is one of the main critical points, with continuous disconnections, and the impossibility that there has been for a certain period of time to exploit the function of the crossplay from PC e Sideboard. Situation that has more than rightly infuriated many users. An anger that, however, has been transformed, perhaps a little too hastily, into a real rain of hatred towards the developers who found themselves bombed di negative reviews on Metacritic almost as in a form of "revenge", by many angry users.
An unpleasant condition he has partly understandable reasons. In fact, the Outriders situation is still problematic and the developers must commit to solving it as soon as possible. However, we must also consider some discriminating and some key concepts when it comes to reviews for a newly released game. In fact, first of all, we should consider that the title, which promises to keep users busy for a considerable amount of time, has just arrived on the store, therefore a complete review less than 3 days after the release, will hardly be totally exhaustive on the product, unless rare codes received in early access.
As a second factor we must consider that the game has landed on six platforms simultaneously and on the devices that support the Xbox Game Pass, the title is available at no additional cost, thus dramatically increasing the audience that populates the servers at the same time. A load like that large that could have overloaded the infrastructure posed by the developers and helped create problems. Certainly the people of People Can Fly should have foreseen the situation, but we cannot prematurely rise to the executioners of the product in its very first moments of life, without first having calmly observed the unfolding of events.
For these reasons, the Outriders review bombing situation should be carefully and strongly evaluated objective. In our view, in fact, this situation it is not a clear representation area of quality actual product according to users, but it is instead an understandable outlet (at least in part) caused by the strong sense of frustration of some players after yet another technical problem.
Outriders in fact, net of some bug and the aforementioned serious server infrastructure issues, is a title with great potential, and that he is giving us the impression of being a solid experience, although we reserve the right to express our full opinion in the review phase. So, pending our final review, we encourage you to take premature reviews with a grain of salt, unless they have been provided with a clear critical reasoning in the drafting phase.