Today the entire gaming industry has been rocked by the incredible acquisition by Microsoft products by Zenimax Studios, parent company of Bethesda Softworks and all the development houses whose works it publishes. The announcement, which took place a few hours ago, has completely taken every fan of the sector by surprise and in these last hours Phil Spencer in person he clarified many doubts that arose after this incredible acquisition worth 7.5 billion dollars. According to a tweet from Bloomberg's Jason Schreier, the Xbox boss wanted to clarify Bethesda's position on the agreements that he had already agreed with Sony on the temporal exclusivity of two games on consoles currently in development by the American publisher's studios, making it clear that the latter absolutely intends to respect the agreements made previously and that exclusivity will still be guaranteed. The two titles in question are GhostWire: Tokyo e Deathloop, respectively developed by Tango Gameworks and Arkane Studios and both slated to arrive on PlayStation 5 during the 2021.
Phil Spencer also wanted to specify that as regards the upcoming releases of games developed or published by Bethesda, clarifying that the exclusivity of the games will be evaluated from "case to case". With this the CEO of Microsoft's Xbox department has hinted that the colossus of Redmond will have the power of choice on the exclusivity of all future works of the newly acquired publisher, and that depending on the title in development will choose whether to make it available for other systems as well. This marketing move embodies incredible earning potential for Xbox: Bethesda's intellectual properties, including series such as The Elder Scrolls, Fallout or Doom, have an incredible market value and will considerably enrich the stock portfolio of Xbox Game Pass and who knows maybe in the future, and maybe not too far away, they may become exclusive to Microsoft systems.
To answer the question everyone is asking: Phil Spencer tells @dinabass that Xbox plans to honor the PS5 exclusivity commitment for Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo.
Future Bethesda games will be on Xbox, PC, and "other consoles on a case by case basis." https://t.co/Agyttr53LO
- Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) September 21, 2020