After talking about the choice of making a prequel rather than a sequel, Valve is back to discuss Half-Life Alyx, disseminating interesting information on another major decision. Fans have in fact noticed how the iconic is absent in this chapter for VR crowbar, Gordon Freeman's primary weapon, and the company recently explained why.
Interviewed by Kotaku, programmer Robin Walker identified two main reasons. The first concerns the perception of the character itself. The testers, in fact, using the crowbar, believed they were impersonating Gordon Freeman and not the protagonist Alyx Vance, although it could still be understood at the beginning of the adventure. The second motivation refers to playability, as the absence of force feedback did not allow those who played to perceive the weapon in space, causing them to fit into other elements of the environment. Given that some solutions attempted by Valve did not have the desired effects, it was then decided to devote himself exclusively to the shooting.