TROY: A Total War Saga is the new episode of one of SEGA's most popular franchises of all time, a series that celebrates its this year twentieth anniversary and is made by Creative Assembly. Its popularity has made it a work with a practically annual release, so it is not surprising to talk about this chapter just over a year after the previous one.
Through a trailer released a few hours ago (and featured on the cover of the article), the Japanese company has confirmed that the game will be available in exclusive Epic Game Store timeline from 13 August 2020. According to what was communicated in the official blog of Creative Assembly, the decision to give temporal exclusivity to Epic was not easy but, given that thanks to this it is possible to offer the title for free in the first 24 hours of release, it was thus decided to sign this agreement.
In TROY: A Total War Saga we will face the legendary Trojan War, with a narrative inspired mainly by Homer's famous Iliad poem. We can then decide whether to experience the events from the Roman or Trojan point of view, thus choosing to conquer or protect one of the most important cities in all of Greek history. Our actions can then determine the fate of the entire conflict, thus creating their own empire with strategy, political art, diplomacy or war in the Mediterranean of the Bronze Age. Besides heroes inspired by the real history of humanity, the company has confirmed the possibility of making us help from real icons of Greek mythology, such as minotaurs, cyclops, giants and centaurs.
Obviously, the developers have ensured that the exclusivity for the Epic Games store will not last indefinitely, and that the game will make its debut. on Steam on August 13, 2021, confirming that this is the only project that SEGA intends to give exclusively to the Epic Games store.