We finally have the chance to see some news from the new project of Dedaelic Entertainment, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, based on the famous series of novels by the visionary writer J.R.R. Tolkien, The development team has granted the German site GameStar, the opportunity to see a first presentation trailer of the title, from which some images were taken. We thus have the opportunity to see the first images of the game, which will have as the protagonist Gollum and which will focus on its dual nature, allowing players to move freely in a decidedly dark setting inspired by those of the vast universe created by Tolkien. The story will be placed chronologically before the events that take shape in the novels, and even before the de films The Lord of the Rings. The player will take on the role of Gollum and he will have to face numerous adventures experiencing the known "bipolarity" that so distinguishes the character, exploiting two voices that speak continuously in the head of the creature that will influence the user in his game choices. The game doesn't have an official release date yet, but the team is aiming to release it during 2021 on Playstation 5, Xbox Series X e Pc.
First screenshots of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, coming to PC, PS5 and XSX
Developed by Daedalic Entertainmenthttps: //t.co/ferctrb7k2 pic.twitter.com/mwhAyBMHwn
- Nibel (@Nibellion) May 4, 2020