Five years after the official release of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami in 2015 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, the players have finally managed to unlock the secret ending of the game, disarming all the nuclear warheads present within the title. The secret ending had already been made available on PC about two years ago due to a glitch, but players have decided to organize themselves to officially unlock it in a completely legit way, taking advantage of the small number of active players on PlayStation 3. The game's online community continues to be very active, and has been trying for years to legitimately earn the secret ending of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain on every available platform.
The version Steam of the title at the moment still has almost 20.000 nuclear weapons, while the version PlayStation 4 it has around 2.500, so the video is unlikely to be unlocked anytime soon even on these platforms. The version PlayStation 3 it was probably the easiest to unlock, especially due to the significantly lower number of active players on the home console Sony of the last generation. Again the nuclear weapons count quickly returned to 40, but total disarmament lasted long enough to allow the special scene to be activated, which was then uploaded to Youtube by the players.