The film series dedicated to Avengers, belonging to Marvel Cinematic Universe, has been able in recent years to unleash the enthusiasm of fans from all over the world thanks to the charisma of the actors involved and the events related to the battle against Thanos. For this reason the announcement by Square Enix di Marvel's Avengers, new title dedicated to the events of Marvel Avengers, immediately attracted the attention of fans. The game, developed by Crystal Dynamics, is an action-adventure that, despite the name, will not share much with the films seen on the big screen and will arrive on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Google Stadia e PC. This latest version will see Square Enix and Intel collaborate in order to provide gods exclusive graphical improvements versus console counterparts. To announce it was the same Intel on its official website.
According to the US company, the collaboration between Intel, Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix will allow to exploit the potential offered by Intel® Core ™ i5, i7 and i9 processors. In particular, the latest generation computers equipped with the latest version of the processors belonging to the i9 family will be able to count on exclusive in-game features named Enhanced Enemy Destruction, Super Charged Heroics e Reactive Water Simulation. The first two novelties will offer a greater realism when the characteristic moves of the characters are used, with a greater number of debris and explosions that will persist in the game environment for a long time and where the damage caused to the scenario by enemies will be even more evident. The Reactive Water Simulation, on the other hand, should, as stated by Intel, render the behavior and reaction liquids as closely as possible to reality. It is not known whether similar improvements will also be present on versions of Marvel's Avengers designed for next-generation consoles.
In conclusion, we remind you that the Square Enix title will be available from the next September 4th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia and PC, to arrive later also on PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X. Players who own the game for the current console generation will later be able to upgrade to next-gen version without additional costs.