Little Nightmares 2: game demo available on Steam

    Little Nightmares 2: game demo available on Steam

    Looking forward to get your hands on Little Nightmares 2? Then you can't miss the opportunity to download the free demo of the game available on Steam. The announcement came in the past few hours via a tweet by Tarsier Studios, who have specified that at the beginning of 2021 a trial version of the title will also be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. According to what emerged from the information released by the development team, the demo "Wilderness”Will give us the opportunity to experience a small portion of the misadventures of Mono e Six inside the mysterious forest.

    While waiting to get your hands on the full game, we remind you that Little Nightmares 2 will be available from next February 10 2021 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. At the moment, no release date has been announced on PS5 and Xbox Series X / S, although it is very likely that the new horror-colored action adventure of Bandai Namco can be played on next-generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft thanks to backward compatibility.

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