Ghost of Tsushima Legends: announced the new multiplayer mode

    Ghost of Tsushima Legends: announced the new multiplayer mode

    In the past few hours it has been announced Ghost of Tsushima Legends, a new online cooperative multiplayer mode that will be available as a free download for Ghost of Tsushima owners on PlayStation 4 before the end of the year. Legends is a completely new experience - it's a separate mode that doesn't follow Jin or his companions on his journey, but instead focuses on four warriors who were built as legends in the stories told by the people of Tsushima. Ghost of Tsushima's single-player campaign focuses on an open world and exploring the island's natural beauty, but Legends is as creepy as it is fantastic, with locations and enemies inspired by Japanese folk tales and mythology with a emphasis on cooperative combat and action.

    The developers of Sucker Punch Productions have designed Legends to be an exclusively cooperative gaming experience. You will be able to collaborate with friends or through online matchmaking and play Legends in groups of 2-4 players. Each player can choose from four different character classes: Samurai, Cacciatore, Ronin o murderess. Each class has unique perks and abilities that will be revealed in the future. With two players In Ghost of Tsushima Legends, it will be possible to play a series of cooperative story missions that increase in difficulty, based on the combat foundations of the single player campaign but with new magical twists that often require careful synchronization with your partner. With four players instead, it will be possible to take on wave-based survival missions, fighting groups of the toughest enemies Tsushima has to offer, including new Oni enemies with supernatural abilities.

    In addition to that, who will be able to overcome the missions History e Survival, can be pretty sure - according to the developers - to deal with the Raid to four players that will arrive shortly after the launch of the mode in question. More will be shared as we get closer to launch, but for now we have nothing to do but wait! You may also be interested in our dedicated guide to find all Inari shrines within the game!

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