According to a recent job advertisement, it appears that Crytek you are looking for someone to work in your studio based in Frankfurt, Germany for a project triple A not yet announced. This person would play a rather important role as Game Director e Lead Game Designer. In addition to wanting someone who has more years of experience in game design and has preferably worked at First Person Shooter, Crytek is looking for someone who has a "style gaming experience"sandbox". It must be said, however, that in the current state of things there is nothing concrete. If a studio like Retro Stusios posted a job posting for a specific video game, that is Metroid Prime 4, the same cannot be said in this circumstance. However, there are some clues based on previous leaks.
In fact, earlier this year there was some new information related to upcoming Crytek projects. The projects in question are Crysis Next, which should be a free-to-play battle royale, Ryse Next, Robinson 2 e Hunt Mobile. In the case of Ryse Next it should be, as for Crysis next, another battle royale taken from the exclusive title of the same name Xbox One. Obviously none of this has been confirmed by Crytek and we suggest you wait for official confirmation from the development team before jumping to hasty conclusions.
That Crytek is working on a triple A title has been known for quite some time, more specifically since the announcement of Crysis remastered (here you can read our review), when the development team confirmed via a work list on their website that a brand new game was in the works. It therefore remains to be understood how long we will still have to wait before seeing an official announcement on this mysterious new project.