When there is now very little left for the next one Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the channel YouTube di Ubisoft North America has released a new trailer for the game. In particular, in this short video of about four minutes, we can find out what they will be the post-launch content of the title. These will consist of two new paid adventures, and a series of free updates: these are the plans initially envisaged by Ubisoft for the first year of life of the new Assassin's Creed.
Jose Araiza, post lunch producer, e Bruno St-Andre, level design director, tell us in the trailer how they have long planned this content, and how Ubisoft wants to transport players into the Viking fantasy in the best possible way. The first expansion will be called Wrath of the Druids, and will come out in the spring of the 2021. This will lead Eivor to Ireland to discover the mysteries of an ancient Druid cult. Our Viking will have to fight the members of this sect, conquer some fortresses and influence the trade of Dublin, which at the time was a thriving center of trade. We are particularly struck by the fascinating locations of Ireland, which they will surely win over players who love Celtic culture. This expansion will have more dark tones, which will contribute to the aura of mystery of the title. The second expansion will be titled instead The Siege of Paris, and will be out in thesummer of 2021. It will cover one of the most significant events in the history of the Vikings, thesiege of Paris, during which we will also meet real figures, such as Charles the Fat, and we will be able to conquer the city through infiltrations and networks of alliances.
Both expansions will be contained in the season pass, and will also be included in the Gold Edition and in 'Ultimate Edition, as well as the bonus mission The Legend of Beowulf. The free seasonal content will then be available to all players, and will be distributed throughout the Assassin's Creed Valhalla journey. The first will be launched with the Yule festival in the Eivor camp, an event that will be available for players at the end of 2020. Ubisoft has confirmed that it will release 4 pre-season content in the first year of the game's life, and that there will soon be a Discovery tour. Assassin's Creed Valhalla is out on November 10, 2020 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 e PC, and then also on the new consoles PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X | S.