Over the past few weeks, the Uplay, branded Ubisoft, has launched an initiative dedicated to PC gamers, for which several PC titles are currently as gifts. Let's talk specifically about Child of Light, as detailed in this article, and by Rayman Legends, instead dealt with in this text. However, today it was announced that too Assassin's Creed 2 is finally obtainable for free on the store, as the initiative has been extended until 5st May.
We are talking about one of the most popular chapters of the famous saga, which sees the character of Ezio Auditore fully establish himself to become one of the icons of the video game, together with many other historical co-protagonists who accompany him in his extremely exciting adventure even today. It is clear that the graphic compromises of a production over 10 years old are all in sight, but it is in any case an excellent title to enter the saga in view of the just announced. Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
We therefore hope that Assassin's Creed 2 is to your liking, and that you are able to fully enjoy the experience despite some dynamics nowadays to be modernized, as opposed to the fully compelling narrative sector also in 2020.