The news that has certainly characterized the very last few days, at least in the videogame world, is undoubtedly the "war" between epic Games, Apple e Google, with the latter two guilty of having removed Fortnite from their respective virtual stores (App Store e Google Play). According to the US software house, the decision of the two hi-tech giants to remove the famous title battle royale was determined by the choice, by Epic Games, to challenge the so-called “monopolistic” system that distinguishes the two stores. Indeed, Fortnite being a title free-to-play, revenues derive from in-app purchases. On the two mobile versions, optional purchases can only be made through the App Store and Google Play, which hold one percentage of 30% from the price of each purchase. For this reason, Epic has decided to sue the Cupertino company.
The new chapter of the feud that sees Apple and the Fortnite company against each other would seem to want to exacerbate even more, to a point of no return, the friction between the two companies. To make it known it is Epic Games through a short press release released on Twitter that we propose again below.
Apple removed Fortnite from the App Store and has informed Epic that on Friday, August 28 Apple will terminate all our developer accounts and cut Epic off from iOS and Mac development tools. We are asking the court to stop this retaliation. Details here: https://t.co/3br1EHmyd8
- Epic Games Newsroom (@EpicNewsroom) August 17, 2020
Apple removed Fortnite from the App Store and informed Epic that, starting Friday, August 28, it will close all our developer accounts and cut Epic off the iOS and Mac development tools. We ask the court to stop this retaliation.
The drastic choice on the part of Apple therefore consists in wanting prevent Epic Games from any possibility of development of new titles or updates on its platforms. After removing the title for violation of the regulation of the App Store, the elimination ofdeveloper account of the software house is classified as a countermeasure destined to make relations between the two companies even more conflicting and cracked. In the injunction filed with the California District Court, Epic Games mentions the possible financial damages resulting from changes in the stock market which could plunge the price of their securities. Pending the ruling of the court, the only certainty is that at the moment the players are those who, in spite of themselves, are suffering the direct consequences of a "conflict" with a far-reaching conclusion.