The third season of The Boys is one step closer, as filming has officially begun for the new episodes of the acclaimed TV series of Amazon Prime Video. The cast members of The Boys 3, in fact, they started talking about the shooting directly from the set of the next season. The series executive producer, Eric Kripke, was the first to tease the fans by posting a photo on Twitter today of what appears to be a gold statue he appears to portray Patriot, interpreted by Antony Starr, and which is very reminiscent of the Oscars.
#TheBoys # Season3 #FirstPhoto # InProduction # TheBoysTV @TheBoysTV @PrimeVideo @SPTV #SPNFamily pic.twitter.com/S9aMSy5FF8
- Eric Kripke (@therealKripke) February 24, 2021
Both Kripke and The Boys' official social channel however, they did not specify who it is. According to the elements of the statue, it should represent Patriot, but we cannot yet say for sure. However, many fans have started a debate on social media, starting to talk about Soldier Boy. The cast of the third season of The Boys is also portrayed in some images that showed the actors traveling to reach the set, while Jack Quaid ed Erin Moriarty they have already been able to meet again, expressing their enthusiasm online. In the show based on the comics of G e Darick Robertson there are Karl Urban (Billy Butcher), Jack Quaid (Hughie), Antony Starr (Patriot), Erin Moriarty (Annie), Karen fukuhara (Kimiko) e Dominique McElligott (Queen Maeve). Among the new arrivals among the performers of The Boys 3 there will also be Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy, a character conceived as a parody of Captain America.
It is not yet possible to know in which direction the series will go, partly detaching from the comic or following a well-defined trail by Garth Ennis. However, it is certain that there will be an adaptation of "Herogasm”, One of the most irreverent narrative arcs of comics. This is the sixth episode of the third season, already the most anticipated of all. The original version offers a parody of superhero space missions. The protagonists choose to take a vacation in great secrecy, instead of leaving Earth's orbit.