It would seem that even in 2020 Disney wants to make the most of its animation classics, and in addition to the next live action dedicated to Mulan and Mermaid, several rumors would confirm that Hercules may be the next film in the works. Recently the news emerged that Gal Gadot, known for her role as Wonder Woman, may be part of the cast of the film playing the role of Megara, the beloved of Hercules. The leak was disclosed by Comic Spot via a post on Twitter.
At the moment we do not know how reliable this indiscretion can be, given that the news in addition to having not been confirmed in any way by the actress or by Disney, we don't even know if the live action of Hercules and in the future plans of the Mickey Mouse house.
BOMB RUMOR! No se qué tan fiable sea esto, but if you go saying that Disney is with the aim puesta en Gal Gadot para interpretar a Megara en el Live-Action de Hércules.
A mi gusto no está mal, but I go to Amber Heard. #Hercules pic.twitter.com/J8tKv7qLTg
- Comic Spot (@comix_mx) September 4, 2019