Less than a month after its debut on Netflix, the official announcement of the renewal of Bridgerton, first original work by Shondaland, the production house of Shonda rhymes, For a second season. The series, inspired by The Duke and I, is the first of the series of novels signed by Julia Quinn, won the public by giving the platform yet another success. The announcement was made directly by the social media accounts of the streaming platform, with a post through which Lady whistledown "Is happy to inform you that the second season of Bridgerton is coming".
After the gossip of the last few days, it's an honor for me to tell you that Bridgerton will be officially back for a second season. I hope you have set aside a bottle of ratafià for this delightful occasion.
The family saga in costume, which kept millions of people glued to their screens during the holiday season and continues to be among the most viewed products within weeks of its release, will have more Seasons. After only a few weeks from the debut of Daphne and its Duke, Netflix has officially announced that the Bridgerton saga will continue, adapting to its paper counterpart. Also this new cycle of episodes will refer to Julia Quinn's novels. This time, on the small screen we will see the adaptation of The viscount who loved me, focused entirely on Anthony, Viscount Bridgerton and elder brother of the splendid Duchess of Hastings. However, the choral character that has also characterized this first season will not be missing, so we will find again Daphne e Simon. At the moment, however, we don't know when this second Season will arrive on Netflix.
The creator of the series, Chris Van Dusen, he said, however, that shooting will start in the spring, in London. Therefore, it seems legitimate to speculate that the cycle of episodes focused on Anthony will not see the light before the end of 2021, but we do not exclude that we have to wait also until 2022.