There is no doubt that the new Star Wars trilogy was divisive: we are talking about a triptych of films that are decidedly little studied, little connected and not appreciated by the majority of fans. Many of the blame has been given to a J.J. Abrams conservative, which seems to have preferred classicism to novelty (which is really strange for the director's character). On reddit these days, leaks have come out that would show disturbing background behind the Rise of Skywalker. Obviously they are rumors, and we certainly cannot take them for real, but for a moment let's try to read them as a fan fiction (here the official link, instead we will translate everything below).
We will split it all like the original thread, point by point, explaining any unclear details:
- Whoever leaked information about Star Wars was directly connected to Disney and did so for a reason. These leaks instead arise to defend those who do not deserve this treatment (JJ Abrams).
- Since JJ has always treated everyone well, I think (the leaker) I need to let everyone know what Disney did.
- Disney bargained to get Bad Robot (to get JJ) but ultimately won Warner Bros (which is why the company went into bargaining)
- Abrams has been shown to be able to bring franchises back to life (Mission Impossible, Star Trek and Star Wars itself). Warner Bros is looking to bring its DC Universe back to life
- Warner Bros therefore wants Abrams, but since the “Star Wars” of this generation is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Disney is afraid of a successful DC by keeping it in limbo, which they couldn't do if Abrams took the project in hand. So their goal was to make Abrams unappetizing to investors
- It seems that Disney has made some changes behind Abrams (and beyond), making the Rise of Skywalker a different movie than it was meant to be.
- The deal included more freedom for Abrams on the Rise of Skywalker compared to the Force Awakens, but Disney wanted more fan service and less controversy.
- Disney has started blocking scenes for budget reasons
- One of the scenes was the grand finale, where characters like Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu would appear as force ghosts to shield Rey against the Sith in the hall. The reason for this cut seems to have been China (they are not so favorable to ghosts and specters of all kinds)
- The source seems to have heard Abrams yell "Why don't you write us" Written and Directed by Lucasfilm "?"
- Some scenes were shot only for merchandising: among them is the dialogue line "Now fly?" (when the Troopers chase Rey and co.).
- When Abrams responded to the criticism of Skywalker's Rise with "you are right" he was serious
- The first cut of the film was 3 hours and 2 minutes
- In January Abrams had suggested splitting it into 2 films. When the proposal was rejected, the duration of 3 hours was accepted. The film was then cut to 2 hours and 37 minutes.
- Abrams defined this cut as "cut and glued with tape"
- Some scenes were cut by people who have nothing to do with creatives
- There were scenes with Rose, scenes where Rey practiced, and some cuts were different
- Kylo on Mustafar had more time screens. As he fought, time slowed down in one scene and Kylo could hear Darth Vader's breathing. After shaking his head, time returned to normal.
- There were some additional scenes in the lightning-fast escape
- Jannah had been confirmed as Lando's daughter
- Before Rey's treatment of Kylo Ren, Leia was supposed to show Ben Solo the right way through her memories and those of her son.
- The scenes with Rose were also without Leia, and yet they were cut anyway
- Finn always wanted to tell Rey to be force sensitive. In one scene even something with force: it was later replaced with a BB-8 in CGI
- Babu Frik had to be cut because he looked like a new Jar Jar Binks. It was created by Abrams, and Disney was delighted that many liked it
- There were some scenes in which Rey and Kylo reflected on their lives: among these, Kylo Ren's was described as fantastic for Adam Driver's skill.
- The scene with Rey and Kylo was supposed to last 4 minutes longer, to have more dialogue. Abrams was against the kiss between Rey and Kylo.
- Abrams was really saddened by how things turned out: Star Wars was the franchise he didn't want to mess with, he kept limits in the Force Awakens with the promise of more freedom in the Rise of Skywalker, and instead found himself more stakes.
- Abrams' cut exists and will always hesitate, but it won't come out until "someone accidentally drops it"
- Disney didn't want there to be a story between Finn and Poe.
Now, these words remain letters written on Reddit, a strange vision that could have points of reality but which, if someone does not confirm in the upper floors, will forever remain a horror story, a legend. Yet, it is said that every legend always has a grain of truth in it, right?