Ready Player One, very famous film directed by Steven Spielberg and based on the novel of the same name written in 2011 by Ernest Cline, will have its own following. We are not talking about the film, attention, but the novel that will continue the adventures in OASIS ended with the first episode which will be simply titled Ready Player Two.
At the moment, Ready Player One 2 the novel we know that it will be released at a not too distant date, namely November 24th. Already today the book can be pre-ordered on the main sites. Published by Penguin Random House through the Ballantine Book, Cline's work will be translated into 37 different languages. The plot of the sequel has not yet been revealed.
Obviously, what we all hope is that this new story will pave the way for a possible second chapter also at a cinematographic level, perhaps always under the direction of the good Spielberg. His work, released in 2018 (available now on Netlix), has allowed the film to gross 582 million dollars, a figure certainly not mind-boggling but respectable (here is our review).