The US giant NBC has recently announced a new TV series entitled "The Squad"Which will have within the cast one of the stars of the show"The Big Bang Theory". The actor in question is Johnny Galecki, aka Leonard Hofstadter who will be among the protagonists of this new sitcom focused on a team of players eSports which will be scripted in part by Anthony Del Broccolo, also a writer in TBBT.
This is the description of the plot of The Squad written by The Hollywood Reporter:
“The Squad revolves around a new group of friends (and sometimes enemies) who find a common interest in their love of esports. The series explores the meaning of finally finding "your tribe" after feeling like strangers for years. "
Unfortunately at the moment we don't know anything else, nor which other actors will take part nor an American release date since we are still in the initial stages of production. Definitely a great move by NBC who has been able to see beyond the stakes that too often hinder the videogame media, without forgetting that eSports by the end of the fiscal year they are expected to generate revenues in excess of $ 1 billion for the first time in history.