During the Disney Investor Day, a presentation aimed at the company's investors, the House of Mickey Mouse has unveiled several news on its future projects. In addition to a huge amount of TV series set in the Marvel and Star Wars universes, the company has also confirmed that the live-action prequels of The Lion King and The beauty and the Beast are in production. The two products, announced around the beginning of 2020, have not been abandoned and indeed new information will arrive in the coming months.
The Lion King prequel will be a movie in live action of remake of 2019 and will be directed by Barry Jenkins, director of the Academy Award-winning film Moonlight. While there is still no official information on the release date or the plot, we know that the film will boast a first-rate soundtrack, curated by Hans Zimmer, Pharrell Williams and Nichola Brittell.
As for the Beauty and the Beast prequel, Disney opted for a series musical live-action consisting of 6 episodes. Following the style of the 2017 remake, the TV series will explore the history of the antagonists Gaston e Le Tont, interpreted respectively by Luke Evans e Josh Gad, before the events told in the film. The series, which will obviously arrive on Disney +, will be titled Little Town and will be written by written by Eddy Kitsis, Adam Horowitz and Josh Gad himself.
Luke and I will perform the sizzle live for you all. Don't worry. Right @TheRealLukevans? #BeautyAndTheBeastPrequel pic.twitter.com/HAs1Yyg6WZ
- Josh Gad (@joshgad) December 10, 2020