In recent weeks, news and rumors have followed one another Spider-Man 3, the next chapter of the film saga dedicated to the spider man and part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After the alleged return of Jaimie Foxx in the role of Electro, as already happened in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, today the photo of a cartel which has been posted in many areas of the borough of Queens in New York City, in which residents are advised to keep the streets clear from six in the morning to seven in the evening on October 16, as shooting for a project called "Serenity Now“, Which by the way seems to be the working title used for Spider-Man 3.
This particular codename given to the project is a clear reference to Seinfeld, the American cult series that aired in the nineties, and since the production also gave the first two chapters of the new film saga dedicated to Spider-Man some codenames dedicated to the aforementioned sit-com, respectively "Summer of George" for Homecoming and “Fall of George” for Far From Home, it is assumed that this umpteenth mention to Seinfeld may be the name of the project for the next chapter of the trilogy of films starring Tom Holland.
It seems that the start of shooting of this latest film starring Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is closer than expected, anticipating the start of the shooting of a few weeks. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which is assumed to begin at the turn of October and November, and also those of Thor: Love and Thunder, which will also begin filming shortly in Australia. Despite the current pandemic, it therefore appears that Disney e The Marvel movies they have no intention of slowing down the production of both films and TV series, starting to shoot these new great projects despite the unfortunate situation in which the whole world is pouring in these months.
Spider-Man 3 filming on the 16th of October in Queen, NYC # SpiderMan3 @_CharlesMurphy @ManaByte @DanielRPK pic.twitter.com/DJzuT31W5W
- C-MC (@ArtiDulatahi) October 6, 2020