In the fifth season of Lucifer there will be a musical episode. The dream of all fans of this title is finally about to come true. After the publication of the first part of the season on Netflix, during a panel exclusive of the DC FanDome - released in these hours - new information has been released on the next part, in particular regarding this special episode. In addition to a preview of the episode, in which we can see the leading actors interpreting "Another One Bites The Dust", the director Sherwin Shilati and executive producers Joe Henderson e Ildy Modrovich they will talk about how it was possible to create this special episode and, above all, how they managed to keep it hidden for so long. The director, responsible for moderating this interview, immediately asked the two producers when the idea of creating such content had flashed in their minds. Ildy Modrovich replied:
It was a slow gestation… In my heart the idea started to blossom after the Las Vegas episode, when Tom and Aimee played “Luck be a Lady”. I remember that during rehearsals I cried, because for me it was a dream come true. It was overwhelming, and if there is a show that you can fit a musical into, this is it.
Henderson then adds:
It was my personal mission to do a musical episode, but it was really hard and exhausting to make such a thing. So I loved that Ildy wanted to do this. I was able to participate, avoiding the hardest work.
Surely, the strong demand from fans will have pushed the whole production to give their all to create the musical that everyone has been waiting for. In addition to this, at the end of the panel you will find some bloopers e deleted scenes of the fourth season (spoiler free, don't worry). We just have to refer you to our pages, which as usual will not fail to be updated, and on which you will find all the other announcements of this DC FanDome 2020.