Over the last few minutes the official Twitter account of the Snyder Cut di Justice League officially shared the six chapter titles that will divide the film lasting about four hours. The changes that Zack Snyder is bringing within this personal version of Justice League go far beyond the way in which the director has decided to rewrite the story and the events that will see the well-known characters of the DC Extended Universe. Snyder was given complete creative control over the project after he gave up on getting paid for his additional work. The result will be a four-hour R-rated cut, and the director recently revealed the film will be split into six different parts or "chapters". of which all the official titles have just been revealed.
As previously revealed by Snyder himself, the first two parts are titled "Don't Count On It, Batman" and "Age of Heroes". The titles of the new chapters show that the third part is titled "Beloved Mother, Beloved Son", part four is titled "Change Machine", part five is titled "All The King's Horses" and the final part is titled "Something Darker. ". We remind you that the Justice League Snyder Cut will be available starting next year March 18 after years of requests from fans of the superheroes of the DC universe, disappointed by the final result of Justice League, the 2017 film that literally divided the audience. Zack Snyder abandoned the original Justice League project in 2016, a year before the film's official debut in theaters due to a serious family loss, but he seems to be more and more ready and determined to show us this new product highly anticipated by the community. which may finally be able to bring critics and audiences together under a single positive perspective.
The Chapters. Part 1: “Don't Count On It, Batman” #SnyderCut pic.twitter.com/WoLjV5DxiF
- Zack Snyder's Justice League (@snydercut) March 3, 2021