What the movie Justice League was full of misfortunes it is obvious: already from the premature death of the daughter of Zack Snyder, which forced him to leave, the approach of a director like Joss Whedon, very distant from the point of view of the original, has created quite a few problems for the film. In fact, many users have complained about these changes, many scenes have been re-shot (showing actors not fit for the part) and many original details have been lost. For this reason HBOMax has decided to publish, in 4 episodes, the original Snyder Cut, or the Justice League film as it was conceived by Snyder. The problem, however, arises when the director needs to turn over some scenes, and in the meantime Ray Fisher, the actor he plays in the film Cyborg, has an open complaint against Joss Whedon.
The cause would be the management of the work and the modus operandi: Fisher in fact he said that if Snyder had a positive and relaxed mood on set, Whedon was the opposite. The actor called the director's attitudes disgusting, unprofessional, offensive and unacceptable. Between diatribes about whether the actor should or should not participate in the investigations of Warner Media, things did not go well in general, to the point of making it difficult to include Cyborg in both the Snyder Cut and the movie The Flash. It must be said that the actor had also complained of cuts made to his parts because of Joss Whedon, and for Ray Fisher this was the opportunity of a lifetime to be shown on the big screen (coming from a theatrical experience). .
In the meantime, in short, Zack Snyder he is doing new filming for his Snyder Cut (which in the trailer was decidedly different from the one released in the cinema), and the parts of Fisher will take about a week, and to keep everything afloat is only the contract made to the actor, who sees him with cameos in other films as well (including The Flash).