Hogwarts legacy, in development at Avalanche Software, has been sensationally postponed to 2022, leaving all players with a dry mouth who hoped in their hearts to receive the Hogwarts letter for the first time soon. The title has all eyes on it, as it is trying to establish itself in the market as the definitive game on the world of Harry Potter. The adventure will be set in the 800s, and will provide an important retrospective of what the magical community was like in those years. However, even if we don't have much information about the game, what little has emerged is enough to explain some aspects that will be fundamental as we delve into the heart of the main plot: we are in fact talking about Ancient Magic. The latter was nominated in films by Voldermort in person, while claiming that he was stopped precisely because of it, which he should have foreseen. For the hardcore fans though, there are other references that we can find between The Tales of Bede the Bard, or the tome that Silent leaves ad HermioneYes, a book for children, but which hides very particular uses of the most secular magic in history.
Hogwarts Legacy will therefore push a lot on this mystery (still very dense within the imaginary created by Rowling), since you will find yourself facing much darker and sinister threats.
How it works
Let's start from the beginning: this magic is something that cannot be learned, since it is as if it were intrinsic and dormant in each of us. This is manifested only through the execution of true actions done with the heart, For example, Lily who sacrifices himself to save a Harry still in diapers. Result? His death functions as a veritable shield against the most powerful curse of all. Being an imperceptible but constantly present source of energy, it takes its strength from bonds such as family, from doing the right thing and, why not, it could also take energy from death itself, as no magic can resurrect the dead or make them immortal. Voldermort as the role of the Dark Lord tries to break these patterns, trying to become a kind of God. What really escapes Voldermort is how this power comes from within, it is clear that a person who has no sincere connections and does not aim for the light will not be able to awaken the true potential within himself. Ancient Magic does not mean something written as spells or techniques, but is activated by the goodness and morality present within each one. The power of this magic is highlighted above all by the fact that it does not require a wand to perform: it is an integral part of the magical nature present in the universe.
Although miserable, we also have information related to Ancient Magic from the 500s and 600s. We are talking about the story of Gormlaith Gaunt, Irish Thoroughbred Witch and Hogwarts High School Student. The story focuses in particular on the ethical question of thoroughbreds, in a plot that sees Gormlaith's granddaughter as a "good counterpart", that is Isolt. After various ups and downs, the latter moves to the United States founding the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Gormlaith discovered her position, and decided to join her to take revenge and take her life, only to be defeated in turn. However, before being finally stopped, she managed to curse Isolt and her husband by making them fall into a deep sleep. The tale goes on to say that only the crying of their twin daughters could break the spell, activating Ancient Magic through the power of love. Another great testimony of Ancient Magic are dragons: their scales are in fact filled with this essence, so much so that only the most powerful spells can be able to penetrate them.
As we see it in the game
In light of the above, we believe that the morality present in Hogwarts Legacy will be decisive for developing Ancient Magic in the best possible way, and according to your personal tastes. Although we have outlined how it works only on the condition of acts that are deemed to be deeply pure and sincere, we believe that in the game this moral obligation to do the right thing will be broken from the choices dictated by the will of the user. From the information we have it seems that the avatar personalization system will be well in-depth, allowing you to develop the magician you always wanted to be. We are convinced that the different opportunities will open various roads to as many finals, as in perfect role-playing style. From what emerged it seems that, therefore, you can also create your defined Dark Lord, but this will in no case affect the possibility of using Ancient Magic, even if we have not yet seen it in concrete form within the game. It could perhaps activate passive skills or spells, or be linked only to certain sections of the game, the only certain thing is that its power is devastating and the balance in the ecosystem of the combat system will be crucial.
Unfortunately these are the only information we have so far, but we are sure that by now you will have clearly understood how Ancient Magic works within the magical world. In Hogwarts Legacy, however, it still remains shrouded in mystery… but for now, we're in no rush. If this postponement will help bring a better game to the shelves, welcome, we just have to hope and cross our fingers. For more technical information on the game, we refer you to our dedicated preview.