Final Fantasy VII it was certainly one of the games, if not the first, to drastically change the gaming market. Precisely for this reason, its history is almost sacred and making changes could prove to be a double-edged sword. Despite this, however, the demo was quite explicit, and without spoiling it, just know that it will be enough to set the bomb timer to 20 minutes to unlock an unreleased movie. This sequence drastically and substantially changes the meaning of future actions, opening up new scenarios and possibilities never explored before by the seventh chapter. Precisely for this reason we enjoyed playing with the imagination and we tried to write down some small changes that we would like to see applied in-game, some very important and others more for further study.
We would like to clarify that this article contains SPOILERS, so avoid reading if you want to enjoy this adventure in its full magic. If you are looking for fresh information anyway on Final Fantasy VII Remake, we refer you to our careful analysis after the test of the game that we were able to face in a dedicated event.
Angel and Genesis
Let's start immediately with these two characters, as important as they are forgotten in the original game. Angel e genesis they get their ample space in Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, but in the 1997 game they are not named minimizers. The remake of the fantasy week has highlighted the presence of Sephiroth from the very first bars of the game, we hope that even his "friends" can find space in some way, whether they are strips of dialogue or a sort of flashback. It would be a further starting point to deepen the past of all three and to better discover how the relationship between them has evolved and cracked.
The part played by Zack
Zack is seen in a brief juncture in Final Fantasy VII, but this was enough to make it immortal in the hearts of the players. Our dream is to go back to control this character again in some way, perhaps making us relive the sequence in which he appears in a wider way. As is well known, Zack received his own dedicated chapter, the one already mentioned Crisis Core, but if this Remake is really an opening towards new players, it would be almost normal to deepen this part also leaving the control itself to the users, so as to make the drama of the event feel even more.
Aerith does not die
Here I am sure that many users will turn up their noses, but basically this could be a sort of "excuse" for the tragic and sudden way in which the young girl died. The death of Aerith, in fact, it has traumatized the childhood of many players, I personally would keep it that way, maybe in some ways more chaotic. However, the choice to leave the girl alive would not only lead to a substantial distortion of the plot, but also to the flow of events that would explode after this event.
Love stories highlighted
The most "correct" relationships for those who know Final Fantasy VII are certainly those between Zack e Aerith e tra Tifa e Cloud. At the beginning of the game, when Cloud notices Don Corneo's kidnapping of Tifa, the boy has a romantic moment with Aerith, who confesses that he is very similar to the boy she was fond of in the past. Cloud at that moment asked the name of the young woman, who however replied with the most classic of "it doesn't matter anymore". What would have happened if Aerith had mentioned Zack? Furthermore, Cloud has the end of the game has a moment of intimacy with Tifa, so we hope that the relationship between the two is highlighted more, perhaps leaving the decision to the player, based on the activities carried out, to choose who to become more attached to.
The played part of Sephiroth
Even a character like him deserves a greater study. His dark road would be interesting to live, maybe even making us control this character too. His troubled past, the relationship with his mother and his village would be excellent ideas to enlarge an already full and profound videogame formula, as well as useful for deepening what is, by all accounts, the most successful villain of the Final Fantasy saga .