The emergency Coronavirus is rapidly expanding around the world and now also in the United States they are starting to deal with the pandemic. Last week Evangeline Lilly, the star of Ant-Man and the Wasp and Lost, published a provocative post on his official Instagram profile in which, next to a photo of a teacup, he wrote:
I accompanied my children to the gymnastics court. They washed their hands before entering. They are playing and laughing. #Allcomealsolito
#morningtea ☕️ Just dropped my kids off at gymnastics camp. They all washed their hands before going in. They are playing and laughing. #businessasusual
A post shared by Evangeline Lilly (@evangelinelillyofficial) on Mar 16, 2020 at 9:45 am PDT
The actress then again stated that she would not accept forced isolation and that, according to her, the government of United States is abusing this situation to take more power and steal the freedom of citizens. The statements of Evangeline Lilly have unleashed a storm on social media, especially after the news of the positive swabs of Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson and the actor Daniel Dae Kim, his colleague on Lost. In addition to the negative comments of the followers, who give them the irresponsible and tell their personal battle to counter the contagion, the harsh response of Sophie Turner.
In a live on Instagram the Game of Thrones star, accompanied by her husband Joe Jonas advises to go out only for emergencies or necessities and, citing one of the many comments of Evangeline Lilly, reminds people that by prioritizing their freedom they can potentially infect others and endanger the weakest.
Don't be stupid. Stay home. Even if you "value your freedom more than your life" I don't give a damn about your freedom. You could infect other people around you, vulnerable people. So stay home guys. He's not cool, he's not grown up, and he's not smart
i'm living for sophie turner dragging evangeline lilly and vanessa hudgens after they said the coronavirus quarantine is overdramatic and they value their freedoms over their health. sophie did not come to play pic.twitter.com/yWJckWPDDX
- rey (@dicksgraysn) March 20, 2020
Evangeline Lilly is not the only celebrity to have posted a controversial message on social media about Coronavirus. Also Vanessa Hudgens, The High School Musical star recently posted some stories on his official Instagram profile in which he expressed his disagreement on the new restrictions to control the infection, saying that deaths are inevitable. Again, many celebrities criticized the kind of message he was trying to bring to social media, including Tom Holland, the protagonist of Spider-Man: Far From Home who reiterated the importance of self-isolation by telling his personal experience.