Love it or hate it, the world of Cloud Gaming is nowadays ever expanding. The services already placed on the market as the main ones Google Stadia, PlayStation Now, Project xCloud e GeForce NOW they continue to evolve and improve day by day, through the updating of infrastructures for example, but also in terms of adding new games and exclusive features. Despite this, the competition aims to be fiercer than ever, trying to immediately gain the top of this sector, which could actually be the real future of video games. Last, but clearly not least, it is Amazon, the well-known E-Commerce company that has now entered the gaming sector with a straight leg through its development studies and with the acquisition of Twitch. This time around though, the announcement is about a new service that doesn't appear to be included within Amazon Prime, at least according to current plans: let's talk about Amazon Luna.
What is it about? Well, in a nutshell it is yet another Cloud Gaming service, which as we know allows you to enjoy video games through your network connection, relying on servers that run the game for the user, and transmit the signal on devices that they don't use their computing power but just run a video. The truth is that though Amazon Luna is really interesting according to the premises, and although it is a project still in a relatively embryonic phase - as we do not know in detail all its potential - it could be a real revolution in the field, given its intriguing offer: let's find out why in the next few lines!
Amazon Luna: where, when, and why?
Approaching the concept of Project xCloud, which puts the catalog of theXbox Game Pass, Amazon Luna aims to be something like the "Netflix of video games“, Which will bring the works into our homes by connecting up to two devices at the same time. This time we are not dealing with a store like for Google Stadia, where it is possible to receive some games for free and buy others, but with a monthly subscription designed to provide real libraries of titles. In fact, since its day one, Amazon Luna will guarantee a really good quantity of works, which between old and new certainly make up a noteworthy lineup. Currently, the basis for the service is the 1080p and 60 FPS, but in the future, probably with the arrival of the next generation of gaming, the standard will become the 4K to 60 FPS, which will only be used for selected games for the time being.
In order to take advantage of Amazon's new offer, a decent internet connection will obviously be required, especially for high resolutions such as 4K. The company recommends for the latter at least 35 Megabit per second of connection, as well as the GHz frequency. For Full HD it seems to be enough 10 Megabit second, obviously stable, and according to the premises the service should take about 10GB of data every hour, certainly quite a high number if you decide to use pay-as-you-go connections.
Devices that will support Amazon Luna, at least for the initial phase of Early Access, they will be: Fire TV, PC, Poppy and devices with iOS, while the implementation for Android it will come only later. You will be able to play however you like, whether using a mouse and keyboard or a wireless joypad, but the company has patented a new dedicated controller, sold in this first phase at a price of $ 49,99. The device is designed to provide the lowest possible latency thanks to the direct connection with the Amazon Luna servers, and will allow an even faster switch between the various devices; moreover it will already be implemented for Alexa support.
Another feature concerns the connection with Twitch, a platform as already mentioned that owns Amazon, through which users will be able to start the games immediately that they will observe in the various direct using Amazon Luna. The release date of the service seems quite close, we do not know when this will make its debut in the market, but in America it is already possible to request early access to try Amazon's offer firsthand. Presumably, it is possible that the company has been trying to compete with next-generation consoles since their inception, and is therefore likely to debut around the month of November. The monthly price to pay for early access is currently set at $ 5,99.
The mysterious channel system
The real revolution of Amazon Luna, however, concerns the presence of some special entertainment channels, of which we do not yet know all the details. The first to be unveiled is dedicated to the French developer Ubisoft, but it seems to be just the forerunner before many other brands. We are talking about an extra that will most likely increase the cost of the main subscription, but that will allow users to enjoy all the titles published by the software house in question starting from day one. In the event that Amazon Luna offers a quality service, this could be an opportunity not to be underestimated for players, considering that AAA titles from software houses such as Ubisoft are generally sold at a price above € 60 per day one.
It is therefore impossible not to wonder how the aforementioned initiative will evolve. Potentially, Amazon could be able to offer - perhaps at different prices based on the proposal of each software house - a large number of channels suitable for all users, which would then be chosen at the will of the players from month to month. We undoubtedly think of candidates like Electronic Arts, but outside of the biggest development studios we may soon discover little surprises in budget-priced channels, provided Amazon decides to continue on this path. It is also still in doubt how the catalog will be updated, as it will be up to the company continually replenish its content in order to make it always attractive to the gamer community.
An aggressive launch
The service proposes, already from its Early Access phase, with a large amount of games. Of course, we are talking about works that in most cases carry a few years back, but at the same time a 'truly superlative offer for video games, given the monthly cost price currently set for the service. So let's find out together the list of all the titles that will become part of the Amazon Luna initiative starting from day one.
- A Plague Tale: Innocence
- Abzu
- AO Tennis 2
- Aragami
- Atomik: RunGunJumpGun
- Blasphemous
- BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
- Blazing Chrome
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
- Castlevania Anniversary Collection
- Contra Anniversary Collection
- Control
- Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 ?!
- Cross code
- Deponia Doomsday
- DiRT Rally 2.0
- Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
- Edna & Harvey: The Breakout - Anniversary Edition
- Evers Pace
- Furi
- Ghost of a Tale
- Goodbye deponia
- Hard Reset Redux
- Iconoclasts
- indivisible
- Infinite Minigolf
- Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
- Lumines Remastered
- Metro Exodus
- Mighty Switch Force! Collection
- Autopsy
- Overcooked! 2
- Panzer Dragoon Remake
- Paper Beast
- Redout: Solar Challenge Edition
- Resident Evil 7
- Rez Infinite
- Rime
- River City Girls
- R-Type Dimensions EX
- Shadow Tactics
- Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
- Shantae: Half-Genie Hero - Ultimate Edition
- Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
- Sonic Mania Plus
- Star Wars Pinball
- SteamWorld Dig
- SteamWorld Dig 2
- SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition
- SteamWorld Quest
- Super Mega Baseball 3
- Sythentik: Legion Rising
- Tacoma
- Tangledeep
- Tennis World Tour 2
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
- The Mummy Demastered
- The Sexy Brutale
- The Surge
- The Surge 2
- Thimbleweed Park
- Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late [cl-r]
- Valfaris
- Victor Vran: Overkill Edition
- Wonder Boy: The Dragon Trap
- Yoku's Island Express
- Yooka-Laylee
- Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
- Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana