In a period in which the videogame market seems to be drawn by a unanimous ferment, focused on the search for titles that are able to exploit the potential of new generation, here is the sector ofindie tries, through projects that promote a totally different approach, to move towards shores not too standardized or known, with video games designed more properly and specifically by the desire to tell and tell each otherrather than showing the "muscles". In this stroke of the pen it is outlined Encodya, a title that since its very first presentation has wanted to take its own path, following an extremely personal sentimentality that, especially in this period, does not mind at all. There sincerity of the project, tangible starting from the first images and words released on the web, has captured the hearts of those who believed in it, of those who invested in something apparently simple, but still, in a certain way, fascinating.
It is just the identity immediately recognizable of this Encodya to strike, identity built, obviously, through a quotationism clear both from an aesthetic and narrative point of view, with pleasant references to a perhaps too forgotten past. Embarking on this "point and click" adventure means immersing yourself in something that requires the utmost caution, in a game that fully draws on the commercial imagery of its genre, developing dynamics that refer to old glories such as Monkey Island and the like, for example. This must make us reflect immediately on the product that is being held in our hands and on the ingenious potential, especially towards an approach that will lead the player or remember the past of the medium, or towards something totally anomalous.
The origins of Encodya
The first feature that immediately catches your eye, when you start Encodya, is just that aesthetic style of the various images, of the setting that begins to form following the various developments. The cartoon style of the graphics is linked to the fact that the video game in question is inspired by a animated short film from the name: “Robots Will Protect You”, with a whole series of obvious references to both Blade Runner, and towards the approach typically found in the films that made the studio famous Ghibli. Speaking of the video game, starting from a clear narrative and aesthetic identity, this originated from a project kickstarter in which, gradually, under the eyes of those who believed in it from the beginning, it took life and form, modeled by Assemble entertainment (by Nicola Piovesan) e Chaosmonger.
What are we talking about?
Encodya is an extremely game classic in his putting his own possibility interactive to the player. It is a story centered on two characters quite familiar in their characterization: Tina (a nine-year-old orphan) e SAM-53 (a robot that follows her step by step, almost as if she were a bodyguard, as well as a trusted friend, at her side for some unspecified, but still easily readable, reasons). These two live ai margini of a gigantic one metropolis from the features either Scottiane and Langhiane (with clear references to a type of movies always building his narratives on dystopian realities that, in their excesses, criticize aspects of our own society): Neo-Berlin, in the year 2062. The events, which will see them move in the maze of this monstrosity in concrete and technology, starting from the most classic features of the genre, will develop in a whole series of dynamics that will touch not only clearly aspects satirical, but also sentimental, dramatic and strong, in a context that will give a lot from reflect, especially if explored in its deepest depths.
The choice of general steampunk features is the trait that from the beginning it involves more, I treat, as we said above, full of references to one culture he points out that here he moves subtly, following paths that alternate narrative tones joking, with extremely black moments. The general narrative of Encodya, in fact, is continually contaminated by the social dynamics that are built in its setting, with encounters and representations that impact in multiple ways on the player who moves within it. The fact of wearing the clothes of a little girl and witnessing her move in a predominantly apathetic and dull place, remains one of the most fascinating of a video game with clear emotional intentions. The streets of this Neo-Berlin are the constant fresco of a world that we all know well, full of references and ideas and criticisms, sometimes not too veiled, which, if fully grasped, are always pleasing, even inspiring some bitter smiles.
The general detachment of a place insensitive and governed byincommunicability remain central to a story that wants to break all these limits, generated by who knows what.
A classic point and click
Since it is a point and click, obviously, theobservation than what is in front of you, trying to draw solutions to the various enigmas that, little by little, are placed in front of our protagonists, enigmas that develop starting from very simple vicissitudes, arriving at moments of particular complexity. This is linked precisely to the beginnings like that, thus launching the player in a context that does not offer too many explanations on how to advance. Basically it is a question of immersing oneself in the events by reading the various situations carefully and listening step by step what we are told. From the outset, however, we are faced with a choice regarding the difficulties of history. This develops in two ways: Easy (modality in which we will have help in continuing with the events, such as Suggestions direct from SAM when you get stuck, or the possibility of highlight the objects to be collected around holding the space bar (obviously any help required will affect the final result, changing the prizes at the end of the game), and Difficult (you won't get any help here). The choice of difficulty, as explained from the beginning, is fundamental and has no return.
During the adventure they can use, alternatively and freely, both the protagonists. Each of them is specifically important according to the various situations that arise. Yes they can analyze objects, gather, put in inventory, to melt Between them. Also you can interact with some of the people who stay in the metropolis through dialogues from multiple choice that will lead to interesting developments, deepening the game world even more. These are one of the most original elements of this Encodya, which, right from the start, makes clear a very precise and direct style that wants to tell a story following a rather authorial. The interaction it is another central element in the approach to the narrative context. Several are the details made available, as well as by the dialogues, also by the various comments that the protagonists make as you advance (obviously introspection is not very central, but in its small way it is present).
What captivates from the beginning, in Encodya, is its ability to “immerse” the user inside what is in front of his eyes. Going beyond the various quotations above, it is still a world well done, although not too far from the clichés of the aesthetic genre to which it belongs, which, moving through the fixed frame in two-dimensional displacements, manages with general care to kidnap, especially with regard to the most curious details, always ready to speak to the most attentive eye. The is also fundamental colonna sonora, wisely used to enhance the various views, streets, characters, various dirt and above all situations.