Recently it finally arrived on the official youtube channels of Hearthstone a new trailer dedicated to the adventure Galakrond's Awakening. After the first official reveal of this Singleplayer expansion, Blizzard has therefore decided to provide much more details about it. If in the initial video trailer we were able to discover some additional gems on the narrative sector that will distinguish the end of theYear of the Dragon, the developers have now pushed us into more advanced mechanics.
After carefully analyzing all the details on the net and having summed up what has happened so far in the Year of the Dragon, we are ready to talk to you about The Awakening of Galakrond. We will tell you everything we know to date, paying attention to what this experience could preserve us when the January 21 2020 on PC and Mobile (IOS / Android).
Dragons come down from the sky!
As well as a quote from the opening song of the new Hearthstone expansion - Descent of the Dragons - this is basically the truth. After meeting with the help of Madame Lazul the five supervillains have teamed up to conquer the entire universe of the card game. The first step was to take control of Dalaran, from shops to sewers the iconic city of Kirin Tor was basically razed and dominated, only to be literally stolen.
The giant rockets of Dr. Boom managed to carry the flying island extremely far, obviously remaining a Northrend however, and landing in the lands of Uldum. There the supervillains had to deal with the four members of the League of Explorers, which gave him considerable trouble. In fact, despite theSupreme Archaeologist Rafaam has thrown the various Plague holder on the lands, the heroes managed to get the better of the latter, concluding the final battle almost in a draw.
We are now in a matchless head-to-head, but the bad guys have a solid plan in mind. We must be able to awaken the terrifying and nefarious Galakrond, creator of all other dragons and be supreme. The heroes must obviously prevent this from happening, with all their might. On the other hand, all the dragons have awakened and populate the skies of Northrend, but these have an interesting peculiarity: the perfect neutrality from events. How will this story end?
Stop at Dungeon Runs
We already know in some ways the ending of the adventure, or rather the way in which it will turn out to be structured. During the last video of the developers it has already been revealed that the new Singleplayer experience will be particularly different from Dungeon Runs that Blizzard has gotten us used to over the past two years. The Awakening of Galakrond will perhaps be a revolution for Hearthstone, because the software house has decided to return to the old and good system of adventures with cards as a reward, despite in the past they have stated adamantly that this would be abandoned with One Night in Karazhan.
We have this time well 3 paid wings and one free, and with "only" 2100 gold coins you can therefore guarantee full entry for all content. Each new challenge will reward with chests containing brand new cards - some of which have already been revealed, and we will finally be able to return to face bosses tailored to each encounter. It seems that in total the new additions will be 35 and they will be part of the set Rise of the Dragons. Each week, however, the players will be able to obtain them progressively, and the goal will therefore find itself upset at the release of each new wing, at least for 3 weeks. Through this maneuver Blizzard may have solved the problem concerning the stagnation of the meta two months after the release of each expansion, and if the system works, it is desirable that the software house decides to repeat it for the next few years.
This adventure, however, has some peculiarities that are difficult to review in the future, as they are extremely connected to the plot that has developed during the Year of the Dragon. With the League of Explorers and the Legion of EVIL facing each other it was not easy for the developers to decide who would come out victorious and who with their goals ruined… and that is precisely why this choice may not have been made. In fact, in the various wings we will live the experience from both perspectives and at the end of the adventure there will be two endings. Unfortunately, it is not yet perfectly clear whether we will end up with a single conclusion or with a different outcome for each faction. After all, it can be said without much hesitation that the latter option would not exactly be the best for an experience that is trying to become more narrative.
A clever maneuver for Hearthstone?
With Blizzard that has decided to retrace its steps for this new adventure, the hopes for a great success are really high. The Singleplayer will also change the trend of the more classic Multiplayer and we could find ourselves in front of an intelligent game revolution or yet another failed attempt, which will then be discarded. With hope and curiosity, we just have to wait until January 21st.