With the arrival of the new generation of consoles, especially with the arrival of the new service Microsoft xCloud, game streaming will no longer be a utopia. Sony, Xbox e Google Stadia each have their own arrows to shoot to compete on the gaming front, however, passing through this new road that is starting to get more interesting. In the meantime, however, there are those who have not been watching, and news at the very last moment, is the official entry into the sector also of the e-commerce giant: Amazon. Bezos' company is not new to the gaming field although it is still a novice. However, the new service will be called Amazon Moon really promises to leave with a bang.
What emerged from this new platform is that it will offer as early as day one more than 100 titles, an integration with Twitch and a resolution 4K with 60 fps. Where it already seems to be ahead of its rivals is on the "availability" front. The platform will in fact work on almost any type of device: PC, Fire TV, Mac e iOS also through web app so you can use cloud gaming on iPhone and iPad. The offers to the service will be of two types:
- Moon +: priced at $ 5,99 monthly with 1080p 60fps streaming and 4K support coming later. The possibility of using 2 devices simultaneously, thus being able to take advantage of a subscription even between relatives or friends.
- "Name not specified“: Intended exclusively for production Ubisoft with which an important partnership has been made. You will have access to every Ultimate edition of the games with all the DLC and various contents; several titles of the French company; 1080p resolution at 60 fps and 4K always arriving at a later time; access allowed only to 1 device.
The titles that will surely be possible to find from the beginning will be more than 100 as already mentioned, among these we find important productions such as Control, Resident Evil 7 biohazard, Sonic Mania, Metro: Exodus, Assassin's Creed Valhalla and many others. Just like Google Stadia, the official Amazon Luna controller will sync via technology Cloud Direct directly to the proprietary servers in order to offer the lowest possible latency between 17 and 30 ms. The controller will obviously have a microphone capable of interacting with Alexa which allows you to start a title with just the voice command and will offer the possibility to “switch” the game from one device to another instantly.