Xbox Series X is a platform expected to be released in this winter period but, as in the case of PlayStation 5, we currently do not know all the details of this awaited and discussed fourth generation of consoles Xbox. There are, in fact, several unsolved questions that users have been asking about this futuristic system for many months. However, thanks to a leak, it seems that the solution of at least one of them has finally emerged. More precisely, what appears to be what appears to be online, through a series of images and videos the next design of the Microsoft Store.
Called by the code name of Mercury, the UI (User Interface) seems to be heavily inspired by the current Windows 10 version of this digital store. To navigate in the possible update, it seems to be necessary to select the icons on the left side of the screen while the main page is entirely dedicated to the information of the games with an icon relating to the presence - or not - of the product highlighted in the Xbox Game Pass. An interesting novelty would be the possibility to download only apps designed for Xbox platforms, thus preventing the inclusion of applications created mainly for Windows 10, mobile or Hololens (unlike the current edition of the Microsoft Store). Finally, it is theorized that this version of the UI will make its debut not only for the Xbox Series X, but even for the current Xbox One thanks to one of the likely upcoming updates.
The original leak comes from the Community group, but Brad Sams' guys then published a particularly detailed video, through their Youtube channel, on this rumored Microsoft Store. In case you are interested, you can find the aforementioned short film right at the head of this article. While waiting to find out if all this information is real or not, we would like to remind you that the limited edition of Xbox One X dedicated to Cyberpunk 2077 is finally available for purchase.