In the following article you might stumble upon Rather heavy spoilers related to the last episode published on the streaming platform Disney + of the TV series Wandavision. Proceed at your own risk, we have warned you!
The unexpected and disconcerting return of the deceased Quicksilver was among the events that most surprised fans of the series, without a doubt. And even stranger was seeing that the version played by actor A did not appear in the seriesaron Taylor-Johnson (already seen in the MCU), but that of Evan Peters (version that appeared in the X-Men movies). The most disparate theories were immediately unleashed: who thinks it could be Pietro Maximoff coming from an alternate reality of the multiverse, whoever thinks it could be Loki, skilled in having taken her likeness and who instead thinks she was Wanda to bring him back to life thanks to his powers.
The president of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, spoke on the subject:
My favorite part in a creation process is always the beginning, when we're trying to figure out what might be in it, and then the end, when we perfect it for the whole world to see. In this case we have had all kinds of discussions, but we chose the one you saw relatively early on. It's just another way some people are trying to joke with Wanda, to screw her up.
The Wandavision TV series is currently available in the catalog pages of the streaming platform Disney +. The release date of the TV series dedicated to Loki. In case you missed it, we have dedicated ours sixth episode review by WandaVision: Direct your browsers here in case you missed it. About a week ago there were some rumors that they wanted a upcoming collaboration between the battle royale Fortnite and WandaVision.