Anticipated by several leaks, the announcement of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time has finally arrived, accompanied by an extraordinary trailer and the first details on the plot and gameplay of this highly anticipated platformer, which stands as a reboot of the series and will therefore delete all the chapters following the original trilogy. Without delving further into the new title of Activision e Toys for bob, of which you will find all the details in our preview, we discover five platform unmissable that can help you pass the wait for the next videogame dedicated to the iconic marsupial. Then waiting for the October 2 2020, the release day of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, we recommend that you retrieve these five titles that, for one reason or another, are somehow connected to the new adventure of our bandicoot or that, more simply, we invite you to play in these hot summer months.
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy
Impossible not to start this list of platformers with one of the most iconic series, not only of the genre, but of the entire videogame panorama. That of purple dragon is a story begun in 1998 by Insomniac Games, which offered a fun and innovative platform destined to remain forever in the hearts of gamers. To make us rediscover the emotions of the first three chapters of the series we think Toys For Bob, just the software house behind Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, with Spyro: Reignited Trilogy, a fantastic remake released in 2019 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X and the following year on Nintendo Switch and PC. Thanks to a completely renewed style, but which still maintains the mechanics that made us fall in love with the three original titles, Spyro: Reignited Trilogy is absolutely recommended not only for those who want to relive the adventure of the purple dragon, but also for those who approach for the first time in this great adventure. To know more details on the title, we invite you to read our review!
Unravel Two
Released in 2018 on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One and in 2019 on Nintendo Switch, Unravel Two is the sequel to the title developed by the Swedish team of Cooldwood Interactive. With the most classic of level structures, this title starring a little woolen man looks like a decidedly well packaged platformer that will give you the opportunity to spend a few hours of fun both in singleplayer and, a peculiar feature of the game, in multiplayer co-op. The most important novelty of this second chapter is in fact the introduction of a second character that has allowed not only to add the multiplayer component, but also to greatly improve what concerns the level design, which takes full advantage of the thread that binds the two Yarnys to develop ever more ingenious and fun levels. Just like in the series of our favorite marsupial, there are also many timed challenges that will allow you to compare yourself with your friends and that further extend the longevity. To find out all the details on Unravel Two, we recommend you read our game review!
Rayman Legends
Initially conceived as an exclusive title for Nintendo WiiU, Rayman Legends was then incredibly released on many other platforms including Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One. The fifth and final installment of the Ubisoft series takes us into a colorful and fun world and ranks as one of the best platformers ever. Fast, but reasoned, the gameplay of Rayman Legends will not disappoint you and indeed will make you regret not having played this splendid work before. And even if you have already played it, we still recommend that you spend a few hours again waiting for the arrival of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time.
If so far we have recommended three rather well-known titles, now we present an independent production that, in its small way, has been able to draw attention to itself. Let's talk about Celestial, a platformer indie developed by Matt Makes Games, which in 2018 won two awards during the The Game Awards as a Highest Impact Game and Best Independent Game and was also nominated for the coveted Game of the Year title. Accompanied by a rather particular graphic style, the story of Madeline - the protagonist - is characterized by a fun gameplay and a very interesting level design. The game is not at all simple and indeed, it will require several attempts and, above all, extreme precision. In short, Celeste is a highly recommended product that will allow you to spend a few intense hours, thanks also to a truly intriguing and well-crafted narrative sector. The game is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One.
Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy
Concluding our list in this way could be a bit obvious, but we absolutely could not recommend replaying (is there really someone who hasn't played the first three Crash Bandicoots yet?) The remake of the original marsupial trilogy to which this article is dedicated. One of the icons of the PlayStation world is back in great shape thanks to the extraordinary work of Vicarius Visionthat with his Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy brings back a lost figure, but who has never left the hearts of gamers. An excellent graphic style, a revised and improved gameplay, but which has absolutely not been distorted in any way and which indeed reflects and honors the work done by N in the late 90s. To crown it all is finally the evident inspiration from the boys of Toys For Bob, whose new project seems to be very close to the N. Sane Trilogy, at least as regards the design, not so much for that of the characters - we have already been able to observe a clear distinction in the design of the bandicoot - as for the settings and objects. The sublime Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy therefore remains one of the best platformers to play while waiting for this new fourth chapter.