Tomb Raider 2, the action-adventure sequel featuring Alicia Vikander, which will be directed by Ben Wheatley, it has been posticipated. Originally set for the 19 March, the sequel of tomb raider is now completely unscheduled: the new official date, in fact, has not been announced. Wheatley also just signed a contract to direct The Meg 2, and therefore we do not know if the work on this new film will further delay the arrival in theaters of Lara Croft.
What is evident to us, however, is that we will have to wait even longer to see Lara go hunting for new treasures (or lock her butler in the home freezer, if the plot approaches the original game for PlayStation). The first film of 2018 was a modest success. The Tomb Raider reboot was produced with a budget of 94 million dollars and earned 58 million nationwide. Worldwide it has made approx 274 million dollars, and, while it was advertised very strongly, it seems to have made a good profit for Warner Bros. The sequel thus got the green light last year. Unfortunately, the covid heavily influenced the production of the film, also in light of the closure of cinemas in many countries.
It should also be remembered, however, and the sequel had not yet begun filming, nor set a production start date. It was therefore impossible to think that it could debut in early 2021 in these conditions. That being the case, Tomb Raider 2 it could therefore arrive in theaters, at best, at the beginning of 2022. This is the best scenario, and it could only happen if no new contingencies arise, which, given the times we live in, seems to be quite probable. We just have to wait and cross our fingers.