Our dear Tom Holland seems to have combined another. Just arrived on the set of Spider-Man 3, Tom has been recognized again this time literally destroying the script of the new movie. Or so it would seem. The young actor has in fact already managed to make his mark on the new set, in this case leaving himself get out of the hands of the iPad containing the script of the third chapter of the saga of the web shooter that has seen him protagonist within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
In fact, shooting with the main cast of Spider-Man 3 has finally begun, and from what can be seen from the video posted by Holland himself on social mediain fact, the first reading of the script did not go quite as he hoped.
Okay, so, I just got home in Atlanta a little while ago and they just delivered me a package. There is an iPad in the package. And on the iPad there is a script. The Spider-Man 3 script. So I'm about to find out what I have to do for the next five months. I won't tell you anything though, because I've learned my lesson. But I'm so excited… Oh heck! I just broke this iPad!
Shortly after, however, he says, showing the iPad: "Ok now I'm going to read the script!". We don't know if this was a prepared gag, or if our goofy neighborhood Spider-Man really destroyed the iPad containing the script for the new movie.
We do not know if it was simply the cover that broke or if the Marvel Studios make infinite iPads available to Tom Holland, but it is certain that reading the Spider-Man 3 script it will be extremely interesting, given what we know so far about the new film. In fact, we know with certainty of the presence of Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange and that ofElectro by Jamie Foxx, and there's no need for spoilers on that from its adorably goofy protagonist.