Warner Bros. recently released the first trailer, featuring a classification R, of "The suicide squad“, Sequel to the previous one Suicide Squad of 2016 which he will see as director James Gunn, famous for having brought two films dedicated to Guardiani della galassia.
The main story of the work has not yet been revealed, but the trailer opens with a mission to save theHarley Quinn interpreted Margot Robbie which will prove useless, however, since the lover of Joker she had already gotten herself out of trouble.
The biggest reveal of the trailer, however, is related to Sylvester Stallon who seems to be the voice actor of King Shark. The thing has not been made official, but judging from the trailer, the voice of the character seems to be that of the fu Rocky e Rambo.
Many of the stars from the first film will reprise their roles, including the aforementioned Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Viola Davis like Amanda Waller, Joel Kinnaman like Rick Flag e Jai Courtney like Captain Boomerang. Director Gunn said his film's story will not act as a reboot of the original film.
Among the new entries we have John Cena in the role of Peacemaker, a vigilante who believes himself a hero but whose brutal methods suggest otherwise. A prequel series dedicated to Peacemaker is already in production HBO Max, with John Cena, Danielle Brooks, Chris Conrad, Jennifer Holland, Steve Agee, Robert Patrick and Chukwudi Iwuji involved.
The cast of the film also consists of Idris Elba like Bloodsport, David Dastmalchian like Polka-Dot Man, Alice Braga like Sul Soria, Daniela Melchior like Ratcatcher 2, Nathan Fillion like TDK, Mayling Ng like Mongal, Michael Rooker like Savant, Pete davidson like Blackguard, Peter Capaldi as a Thinker, Sean Gunn like Weasel and Flula Borg like Javelin.
You can find the trailer for The Suicide Squad, which will be released on August 6 in theaters and on HBO Max, in the tweet below or at the beginning of the article.
From the horribly beautiful mind of @JamesGunn, #TheSuicideSquad hits theaters and @HBOMax August 6. Watch the Official Red Band trailer now, ❤️ to subscribe, and be among the first to receive content up until release! pic.twitter.com/O4fw1pbvXO
- The Suicide Squad (@SuicideSquadWB) March 26, 2021