Hanz Azaria, Apu's original voice actor, he publicly apologized for giving his voice to the character ne The Simpsons, being particularly disappointed with his performance. The statement arrived in the Armchair Expert podcast, precisely during the episode on Monday, in which he considered his role "structural racism".
Man has voiced Apu in his first appearance dated 1990, but announced in February last year that he would no longer continue with his role, mainly for reasons related to the character's cultural ethnicity. As it is now known, it is now customary for characters to be voiced by actors of the same ethnicity. Here is the statement about the man:
I've had a destiny encounter with this for about 31 years. Part of me feels like I have to go to every single Indian person in the country and apologize personally, and sometimes I do when it happens.
Azaria also specified to the conductor at a later time, also talking about the sector and the animated series:
I know you didn't ask me, but it's important. I apologize for my part in creating and participating in this.
If he is an Indian, Latino, or black character, make the person doubling the character as well. It's more authentic, they'll put their experience into the role, and we don't take jobs away from people who don't have enough.
According to what has been stated, it seems that in 1998 Azara was asked if he would work with a character with an Indian accent, which led him to become the voice actor of Apu de The Simpsons. inspired by Peter Seller's performance in The Party.
When I saw him, I noticed no difference from how funny Peter Seller was as a French guy, or as a German guy in Dr. Strangeolove, or as Hrundi V. Bakshi in The Party. It's just plain fun. I'm an aspiring voice actor and I know how to accent, so it makes no difference.
Finally, the man specified the problems of this reasoning in this regard:
What I didn't realize, of course, is that I couldn't realize how the character felt, being white, as I didn't live with all the consequences of his ethnicity.
In a nutshell, this is a particularly controversial issue, which the actor preferred to specify publicly, then apologizing to the world for his role as Apu in The Simpsons, and explaining the reasons behind his choice.