As fans of the universe of Star Wars, and especially the highly acclaimed TV series by The Mandalorian, yesterday the house of Mickey released the highly anticipated fifth episode of the second season, in which not only was shown for the first time Ahsoka Tano, played by Rosario Dawson, but they are revealed several important information about the past of Baby Yoda, among which his real name!
If you have not yet seen the fifth episode of the second season of The Mandalorian, entitled "The Jedi", we advise you not to continue reading this article for the presence of any spoilers!
Many of you will have called it Baby Yoda, due to the great resemblance to the famous Jedi master, others Il Bambino, but the new episode of the highly acclaimed TV series set in the Star Wars universe has allowed us to discover new information about the adorable character's past. Ahsoka Tano (now Anakin Skywalker's ex Padawan), after a brief chat with the boy, revealed to the Mandalorian that the baby's real name is Grogu. Here is a small excerpt from the conversation:
He grew up in the Jedi Temple in Coruscant. Many masters have trained him over the years. At the end of the Clone Wars, when the Empire came to power, it was in hiding. Someone took him away from the temple. Then his memory becomes… dark. He looked lost. Only.
I've only known one other being like that. A wise Jedi master named Yoda.
Do you like the real name of the little green creature, or you will keep calling it Baby Yoda or Male child? If you want to know more about the fifth episode di The Mandalorian, at the following link you can find ours review complete.