Over the last few hours the development study Daelic Entertainment revealed new details on the title The Lord of The Rings: Gollum, and more specifically he talked about the many benefits that the game will derive from the new home console Sony, PlayStation 5. In last week's issue of the official PlayStation magazine it was the developer Jonas Husgen to talk about how the title will take full advantage of the new features of the console to make the gaming experience of The Lord of The Rings: Gollum even more immersive for players.
Gollum's actions will become more and more tangible and his physical suffering in the moments when you are without stamina will directly affect the way you play.
Jonas Husgen's comment refers to the fact that the innovations introduced in the new controller Dualense, which will react directly to the different health conditions of the protagonist, will completely change the game mode. Also NBA 2K21 boasts of this new feature to make the gaming experience even more addictive, through increased resistance applied to the DualSense controller's triggers when one of the players is particularly tired or fatigued.
Husgen also praised theSSD of PlayStation 5, able to drastically reduce the loading times of even the most open and detailed areas of The Lord of The Rings: Gollum, which players will have the opportunity to explore as the protagonist. This will also allow you to get back into action immediately, in case the players are faced with an untimely death. In fact, the journey to the last checkpoint will be extremely quick, so you can transport the protagonist back into the middle of the adventure. At the same time, the graphic quality of the title will also maintain very high levels thanks to the use of Ray Tracing.
The clean shadows with Ray Tracing allow the maximum effect in helping the players to move covertly and in the dark, through the use of hidden and invisible passages, while the dynamic light sources will be a real challenge for the player , who will have to move in the dark to avoid being detected. All of these things, of course, have the pleasant side effect of making the game world seem vast, full of environments to explore, just as expected from a title set in Middle-earth.