After the enormous success achieved by Chernobyl, The series Sky Original, the creator Craig Mazin has already begun work on a new project for HBO. The announcement that A small screen title based on the first two chapters of The Last of Us is in production left most of the fans intrigued. After reassuring fans, stating that in the new adaptation no scenes from the original title will be removed - but many details will be deepened - Mazin today released new information. In an interview with BBC's Must Watch broadcast, he announced that the new TV series will contain an exclusive moment, removed in development from the video game. In particular he said:
I think something positive is being born. Our goal is not to leave you in love with The Last of Us, but to make you fall in love with a whole new world. It will be difficult to accept, but it will ensure that the public can “experience” the story and all its characters (old and new) more.
The director then recounted the moment when Neil Druckmann, developer of Naughty Dogs, revealed this "deleted scene" to him. The man immediately said he was enthusiastic and stated:
As soon as he told me this story I immediately thought I should put it in the title. I would have been a fool if I had let such an opportunity pass me by. At this point they can in no way prevent me from using it. The only way to stop me is to shoot me.
Obviously Mazin did not disclose any other information, nor did he miss some anticipation. We just have to wait to find out some more news about this new upcoming TV series Sony Pictures Television e Playstation Productions. For all the news about this, and other upcoming titles, we as usual will not fail to keep you updated.