After the release of the full-bodied footage of The Last of Us Part 2 dedicated to the gameplay, we could see that in addition to the Cliker, Ellie it will also face a new threat, namely i Wolves. Our young protagonist will not have to face the numerous threats alone, but will be helped by several characters who will accompany her during the journey. During an interview the co-director of the game, Anthony Newman, explained why the allies of Ellie they would have had a more significant impact during the fight in this second chapter. Here is what was stated:
Allies are at the heart of Naughty Dog's games. Getting great things out of them. I think, as you may have noticed in the first part of the demo interacting with Dina, that our co-stars can do a lot of pretty exciting things, performing stealth kills independently. They have quite a varied AI, where they can interact with enemies in melee and even help you out when needed. They are a little more flexible and nuanced this time.
After these words from Anthony Newman, the curiosity to get your hands on The Last of Us Part 2 it only grows further. Fortunately we will have to wait relatively short to get our hands on the new chapter of the saga produced by N, available from February 21 2020.