The Last of Us Part 2 is almost upon us, and as new details emerge, we can get a clearer idea of what the long-awaited sequel awaits us. A new thing that we learned yesterday thanks to the new video "Inside the Gameplay“, Which you can conveniently find on the cover, is that we won't be able to fully update Ellie in a single playthrough.
According to the words of Kurt Margenau, co-director of the title, The Last of Us Part 2 will feature separate systems when it comes to weapon and character upgrades, so we won't be able to acquire the resources needed to fully upgrade Ellie within a single run. As Margenau himself reiterated, the game focuses on the consequences of your choices, including specific skills we will decide to focus on. The goal of N is to "force" gamers to live with the decisions made during their adventure, which will not only influence the upgrade system chosen but will have "a really evident and tangible impact" on how you play.
Thus, players will have the opportunity to "experiment" with different "builds" of Ellie, modifying the game experience from time to time. Furthermore, the development team stated that most likely during the first playthrough we will miss entire moments of the storyline, further incentivizing users to replay the latest effort of the US software house. Finally, we remind you that The Last of Us Part 2 will be available from next June 19 exclusively on PlayStation 4.