Now we are, missing less and less The Game Awards that we of the editorial team will follow live, and almost to begin to "anticipate the work" we have thought of proposing this article to you. This piece lives up to the opinions and tastes of the editorial staff: in these days we have discussed the event in general, and as usual the classics have come out "and if they announced this game?". So without too many words, we decided to put our forecasts in writing, even if only for a goliardic purpose. Obviously the small list below only holds true to the titles that, to date, have not been confirmed, so even if their presence is rumored, nothing is decided until the end. In recent days the same Geoff keighley began to disclose some details, such as the presence of World premier that will give the show that next gen flavor that we can't wait to hear.
Dragon Age 4
Definitely one of the most anticipated games, since the new Dragon Age should represent the rebirth of Bioware after a couple of really heavy missteps, we obviously refer to Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem. The last time we heard about the title was a few months ago, at Gamescom… however, the information revealed was not particularly rich. From what we know, however, the work on the game is continuing well, for this reason seeing it finally in action with a nice gampley video at The Game Awards could be a real possibility. For more information on the product, we refer you to our preview.
Metal Gear Solid Remake
This remake has been talked about for years, now it is almost a legend that fans of the saga repeat themselves to get courage. The truth is that if there really was a remake of Metal Gear, perhaps even for the new consoles, the entire videogame world would be enriched on a cultural level. The first chapter of the Snake saga has an inestimable historical value, and allowing new players to approach this work for the first time would be an opportunity not to be missed. The release of the first Metal Gear is even marked 1998, it is impossible to think that the new generations will approach a product with a technical sector now so backward, but as Final Fantasy VII Remake, Demon Souls, Shadow of the Colossus or other remakes have shown , great classics such as these are always capable of leaving an indelible mark at any time when carried over.
Silent Hills
Laughing and joking, unprecedented peaks are reached here. If we considered the remake of Metal Gear Solid like a legend, the return of Silent Hills it would be like waking up suddenly and discovering that in reality this 2020 has never existed. Having established this, however, let's get back to earth, since this is the least likely title you will see. The problem is that at every important event there is talk of the return of this saga, but in all probability it is only the hopes of the most avid fans. In life of course I would never say never, but with Konami now out of the game videogames and a Kojima increasingly committed to other projects on the Sony side, we do not believe that this IP will be resurrected soon. The speech would be different if some publisher bought the rights, but such a negotiation would certainly have made the earth tremble and would not have gone unnoticed. For now all that remains is to hope to see Silent Hills at The Game Awards, but the chances are really low.
Elden Ring
This is a bit like pulcinella's secret, its presence was supposed to remain hidden but, apparently, it didn't. Elden Ring has not yet been officially confirmed, but as things stand it looks like the new title of From Software will be shown at The Game Awards. The first time we saw the game was at E3 last year, but all traces have disappeared from that point on. We hope that the team has prepared a nice surprise, especially after all these months of silence.
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
The duo that breaks out will in all probability present at The Game Awards, also because, as communicated by Sony, its release would be closer than expected. Although the game has already been quite explicit about which direction production is taking since the latest trailers, we believe that the release date can finally be revealed during the event. For more information on the title, we refer you to our dedicated preview.
Uncharted movie trailer
We know for sure that Sony is working on a new film dedicated to Uncharted starring the super Tom Holland, known to most as the actor who plays Spider-Man. we strongly believe that The Game Awards are an excellent stage to present a film dedicated to a video game, so the presence of a dedicated trailer is more than concrete. If we also add that more and more rumors confirm that the film will be unveiled at The Game Awards, we just have to cross our fingers and hope.
Hood: Outlaws & Legends
This is a multiplayer game dedicated to Robin Hood, a famous thief who stole from the rich to give to the poor. We strongly believe in his presence during the event and, although a new trailer has recently been released that presents all 4 characters, during The Game Awards more interesting news will probably be revealed. We don't know anything else about this project, so we can't wait to see it in action to find out more.
The first time we saw it Pragmatic in action was during the event dedicated to PlayStation 5 games, thanks to a truly enigmatic cinematic trailer. In fact, even for this game, we haven't seen the gameplay at all, so its nature is still unknown at the moment. Of course, the presentation video managed to attract the attention of fans who, at this point, hope to see the video game in action at The Game Awards. Although for this work we have no great evidence of its presence, we strongly believe that some new information will be released.