After over 400 specimens carefully examined and analyzed, today the director and producer Andy Musichetti who will take care of the film T for the DC Extended Universe has finally announced who will play the role of Supergirl in the film that will be directed by him and which will be released in 2022. Well, the role of the young superheroine who will debut in the DCEU in the feature film starring Flash Gordon was entrusted to Sasha Calle, a young actress who has already distinguished herself for some of her performances, also earning a nomination for the Daytime Emmy Awards. La Calle will also be the first South American actress to give her face in the role of Supergirl, and she seems to have already shown great chemistry with the actor. Ezra Miller, who will play Flash in the aforementioned film.
I've seen over four hundred auditions. United States, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia. The talent pool was truly incredible and it was very difficult to make a decision, but in the end we found an actress destined to play this role.
By now Cinecomics are making a huge impact and a great contribution to the film industry, moving hundreds of thousands of fans and aficionados to theaters to see their favorite superhero or superhero in action on the big screen. If on the Marvel side we see a great concentration on the television front with TV series of the caliber of WandaVision e The Falcon and the Winter Soldier which are bringing a flood of new subscriptions to the streaming on demand platform Disney +, from the DC Comics front we see how the studios intend to focus on improving the quality of their products that will arrive in cinemas, a bit like they did with works of the caliber of Shazam! or films coming out in the next few years such as The suicide squad directed by James Gunn or just Musichetti's The Flash himself.
A post shared by Andy Muschietti (@andy_muschietti)