In the past few hours on the official website of SYNOPSIS, Fantasy RPG for mobile devices by Square Enix developed by Pokelabo and directed by Yoko Taro, the release dates of the game's events have been revealed in collaboration with Nier Automata e Nier Replicant. The title of the well-known Japanese video game author and screenwriter will debut worldwide on Android e iOS starting fromJuly 1 2020, presenting various particularly interesting initiatives within it, in order to make its fan base more active. Sharing as much as possible SYNOPSIS on social networks, users who purchase the game will receive a substantial in-game reward in exchange.
According to what is reported on the site, complete with an image that you can find at the bottom of the article, the 16 July the event will start in collaboration with Never: Automata, while regarding the collaboration with NieR: RepliCant you will have to wait for the next one 8th August. For the uninitiated, the game was released in Japan by Square Enix last June 2017, but for various reasons not yet specified, the debut of SYNOPSIS it has continued until now. If you are interested in buying, the work directed by Yoko Taro is already available for pre-order both on Google Play Store that of App Store.